Why so many brands are turning customers off (and how not to)

"Brand language is increasingly becoming homogenized, with many companies adopting similar tones, phrases, and messaging strategies. This trend toward uniformity is driven by a desire to replicate the success of established brands, leading to a prevalence of friendly, conversational tones and buzzwords that prioritize relatability and trendiness over distinctiveness. 

This convergence in brand language reflects a broader cultural shift towards standardized communication in the digital age, where standing out requires a deliberate effort to break away from the prevailing norms.”

Did you find the above section a tad dull to read?
That’s because it was written by AI.

There’s no point having a great content idea that’s informative and interesting but executed in a bland, boilerplate style of writing. And this is what an increasing number of brands are doing. Instead of thinking about what you say to customers, you should also be thinking of how you say it to them. Yes, AI can be a fantastic tool (especially when you’re struggling with a tricky sentence), but it shouldn’t be your brand spokesperson. Any time you’re producing content – or any kind of brand copy – having a unique, consistent tone of voice is so important in a number of ways.

For example, many of customers might buy your products after connecting with your email and blog content, so you decide to create more to further incentivise them. But you’re not going to go to ChatGPT and say “I’m a skincare brand, please create a bank of emails/blogs about skincare,” because you’re going to get the same boring stuff that every other brand is churning out, with nothing to make you stand out. Nobody wants to read identical AI-produced content. Or human-produced content at that same bland AI level. There is an overwhelming amount of that stuff in the digital world, creating a lot of "noise." Instead of repeating the same messages in the same way, aim to say something truly unique and specific to you.

Think about how your ideal customers talk and the kinds of content they would engage with – as well as the types of media they would typically consume. You want to attract a customer who is unique as the product you are offering – so you need to adjust your language accordingly for them to instantly click with. you. How can you do this? This is something Smart Beauty Creative teach in our immersive workshop sessions, where we’ll pinpoint your brand values and create a bespoke Tone of Voice document, so your brand can sound as authentic and charismatic as possible, so a customer instantly clicks with you and your products, as soon as they land on your blog or open your latest email. What’s more, each member of our team has a background in beauty journalism, we are experts in writing about beauty products for beauty consumers, so we can speak in a language your customers will understand and appreciate. To learn more or book a discovery call, email hello@smartbeautycreative.com.

If you'd like to learn more, feel free to send me a DM “beauty” or email hello@smartbeautycreative.com, and we can start the conversation.


How do you know if your brand’s tone of voice is hitting the mark?


How to cut through the digital noise + reach your ideal customer