How to connect with a digital-savvy audience by mastering your tone of voice

In the digital beauty sphere, it’s not enough to just have a brilliant, showstopping product. The real trick is in how you talk about it, especially to those digital-savvy beauty lovers who are always online but also getting bombarded with the same old marketing spiel.

Your tone of voice is the beating heart of your brand's identity, shaping how customers see and engage with you. This is crucial when you're aiming at the younger generations, because a well-crafted tone of voice can get your brand woven into their lives and keep them loyal for years to come.

Every generation has its own tastes in beauty products.

Makeup brands, for example, are cottoning on to this and striking up partnerships to connect with their crowd. (I wrote a piece for NME a few years ago about how beauty brands are entering the gaming world, which you can read here.)

Image: Unsplash

But cool collaborations on their own aren’t enough. When it comes to a digital-savvy audience, authenticity is everything. If your brand is communicating to beauty-loving gamers on one platform, but speaking in a very different tone of voice on another, your customers will suss this out in no time. It’s not just about throwing a successful event or campaign; it’s about keeping a real, consistent tone of voice across all platforms.

For those of us who are immersed in the digital world (particularly the younger generations) we’re often not as trusting of the old-school advertising and more likely to do our own homework. We value authenticity, transparency, and meaningful conversations.

“When it comes to a digital-savvy audience, authenticity is crucial.”

So if you can hook a young digitally-native consumer, chances are you can integrate your brand into this person's identity and eventually establish a lifelong customer. (Come to think of it, I still have a bottle of CKOne from when I was 15. Sure, I don't wear it anymore, but that perfume was very much a part of my identity.)

If you want to chat more about crafting the perfect tone of voice for your beauty brand, one of our Service packages might be the perfect next step. Take a look here or book a Discovery Call to discuss how we can transform your brand language and messaging to attract an online audience.


How I went from an award-winning journalist to helping brands tell their story


How do you know if your brand’s tone of voice is hitting the mark?