How the big brands stay relevant

Being seen as “irrelevant” is something that strikes fear into the heart of every CEO or brand founder. The beauty industry is one of the most dynamic and innovative places there is, but as a consequence, the way we consume and shop for beauty has rapidly changed. Digital-savvy consumers, particularly Millennial and Gen Z, have little time for marketing puff and corporate waffle that doesn’t really say anything. There are many new buzzy beauty brands on the market that are providing serious competition to the more established lines that are in threat of falling behind. Why? Because they’re staying relevant.

Here’s what you can do…

Woman Towel Turban Magazine
Orange Face Skin Oil

Start Simple (Not From Scratch)

Refreshing your brand doesn’t mean overhauling your entire product line, website and logo, nor does it mean slavishly following trends, getting rid of your core values and starting completely from scratch. It could be as simple as refreshing your tone of voice. Or focusing on what people love the most about your brand and really leaning into it with the language you use, rather than trying desperately to get down with the kids. It’s not about changing who you are but how you speak about yourself – being as succinct and authentic as possible, rather than pretending to be something you’re not. Think about how you’re talking to your customers versus how they speak and the media they consume.

Focus On Your Unique Voice

Conversational commerce is at the heart of the digital beauty world, people want to feel they’re talking to a human not a brand with a marketing team. Consumers want simplicity and transparency but that doesn’t mean devoid of personality. If a brand doesn’t have a distinct voice with something to say, consumers will turn off.

Dial Up The Storytelling

Gen Z and Millennials have less brand loyalty, it’s not what you’re saying but how you’re saying it. Are you talking about sustainability in a way they haven’t heard before? For example, how do you care about sustainability? What is your brand doing to help the planet? Throwing around words like “clean” and “natural” without context just sound like hot air to a consumer. 

When I work with clients we are looking at telling your story in a new and interesting way, one that doesn’t sound like every other brand out there. There’s so much digital “noise”, as brands try to shout over each other on social media to try and get consumers’ attention. Are you using corporate language, sounding like a marketing release or is your language fun, quirky, authentic, immediate? 

The Smart Beauty Approach

With the absence of counter staff as more and more customers venture online to shop for beauty, your online presence and tone of voice is key to getting them over the line. This is exactly what I offer in my done-for-you services; hiring copy-led branding experts with an editorial background is key to giving your brand that new lease of life to turn consumers’ heads. We’re used to writing about beauty brands and products as journalists, we’ve trained to write in ways that attracts and keeps consumers’ attention, using language that is immediate without being shouty, informative without being patronising, relatable without being cringe.

If that sounds like something you’d be interested in, let’s schedule a fit call to see if your brand needs the Smart Beauty touch. Click here to book in.


How to cut through the digital noise + reach your ideal customer